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Creating a Mental Wellness New Year’s Resolution

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We often hear about people making plans for the new year that address their physical health. However, if you're looking to change how you approach different challenges in your life, you may want to think about writing out a New Year's resolution plan to address your mental wellness. Our mental health impacts the way we react to different situations and handle stress in life. Coming up with concrete steps to manage your mental health can allow you to end the next year in a better place emotionally.

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Getting Started

The first thing you should do is define what mental wellness means to you. What do you think you should feel like when you are well? How different do you want to be than where you are today? Once you have an idea of the destination, you can begin working on a plan to get there.

Start by writing down the kind of feelings you experience when you are feeling mentally well. Does it happen after taking a long walk? Are they the result of spending time with loved ones? Your plan should cover things you can do to increase those positive feelings in your daily life.

Making Your New Year's Plan for Mental Wellness

Once you understand your goal, start marking out concrete ways to improve your mental and emotional well-being throughout the upcoming year. Below are some items you might want to include as you work through your list. Keep in mind that you are more than free to switch out or change things as you move through the year. The goal is to have some points of action to turn to when you are struggling.

1. Resolve to Improve Your Outlook on Life

Think about the way you approach different situations. If you're constantly beating yourself up over past mistakes, learn to forgive yourself. That can help you drop any defensiveness that ends up bringing your mood down in social situations.

Try to surround yourself with positive people who help keep you focused on the good things in life. You should also start exploring the kind of principles by which you want to live your life. Understand what's important to you and begin incorporating those ideals into everyday tasks.

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2. Focus on Reducing Stress

A constant state of stress can be hard on you both physically and emotionally. Your New Year's plan for mental wellness should address ways of lowering your stress levels. Start by making sure you are getting enough sleep at night. That helps reset your brain and prepare you to face the new day with more positivity.

It would help if you also prioritized things that are must-do's and set aside items that can wait until another time. Learn to say "no" when you find yourself getting to the point of overload. End the day by noting the positive things you accomplished at the end of the day instead of dwelling on things still to be achieved.

3. Practice Mindfulness

Mindfulness is about being present in the moment both physically and emotionally. Improve your mental wellness over the next year by putting that into practice. Start by practicing breathing exercises when you find yourself feeling stressed out. Relax, breathe in for four beats through your nose, hold it for another second, then exhale for five counts through your mouth. Do this as often as necessary throughout the day.

Other things you can do to practice mindfulness include:

  • Taking a walk and observing everything around you
  • Enjoying the taste and flavors of the food you eat
  • Trying yoga or other meditative practices that help ground you

Learn More About Mental Wellness

If you think you may need some extra help getting on the road to mental wellness, GIA Miami may be able to help. We offer clients a peaceful, luxurious atmosphere well-suited to helping you approach the new year more positively. Among the services we offer you will find:

Learn more about the services at GIA Miami by reaching out to us online or calling us at (833) 713-0828.

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It's Time to Make a Change

We Can Help You on Your Path to Mental Wellness

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