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Different Signs of Drug Addiction

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Do you think your loved one is using drugs or alcohol excessively? Do you worry about the signs of drug addiction in your friends or family? Drug addiction is complex, and it can easily be overlooked. Even if a person can maintain a job and fulfilling relationships, it doesn’t mean they are okay. If you suspect a substance use problem, a mental health issue, or a combination of the two, the team of specialists at GIA Miami can customize a solution for your friend or family member.

To learn more about the broad range of mental wellness therapies and addiction treatment programs available at GIA Miami, don’t hesitate. Reach out to our world-renowned team of neuroscientists, clinicians, and therapists today. We are waiting to speak to you when you reach out using our convenient, secure online form. You can also call us at 833.713.0828 to schedule an appointment or arrange for a comprehensive evaluation of your needs.

What Are the Common Signs of Drug Addiction?

It’s never easy for someone battling addiction issues to admit that they have a drug problem, especially to themselves. That’s why it is so important for friends or family to look for the signs of drug addiction and then to reach out to find support. Some of the most common symptoms include the following.

Changes in Behavior that Accompany Drug Addiction

In many cases, the signs of drug addiction start with changes in the way a person reacts and interacts. Some of the most common signs include:

  • Increased aggression or irritability especially when unfounded
  • Depression
  • Pulling away from the people and things they love
  • Changes in personality
  • Criminal activity
  • Reckless behavior
  • Changes in habits

It’s also common to see these things happen over time. You may find that a friend no longer is their happy self, or you may see a drastic change suddenly.

Changes in Physical Health that Accompany Drug Addiction

You may also see changes in a person’s physical health and well-being. These can be brought on over time, especially if drug use continues. They include:

  • A glazed or distant look in the eyes
  • Changes of appearance that indicate a person is not taking care of themselves (failure to bathe, lack of regard for personal appearance, looking pale or anemic)
  • Sudden or notable weight fluctuations
  • Lack of strength or balance, falling
  • Dilated pupils
  • Hypersomnia or insomnia, changes to sleep patterns

When you see physical changes in a person, it may be essential that you take action. This is essential in situations where the person seems unwell. They may need medical help.

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Understanding What Happens in Drug Addiction

The signs of drug addiction will change from one person to the next. Yet, what is happening in their body is the same. They are facing changes to their health because of the buildup of toxins in their body. Their organs may begin to fail without the nutrients they need. They may also need to use more and more of the drugs they have been using to get the same effect. This will put them at a higher risk of overdose.

If you see these signs of drug addiction in your loved one, it’s time to act. The sooner you do, the more likely they are to get the help they need.

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Get the Support and Treatment You Need at GIA Miami

If you see the signs of drug addiction in yourself or a loved one, act on it. With the right help and treatment, you can overcome this addiction and improve your future health and well-being. The key is to act soon. Our team at GIA Miami is here to support you. Contact us today for immediate help by calling 833.713.0828.

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