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What Is Telehealth?

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What Is Telehealth?

November 18, 2020

Are you hoping to receive either drug and alcohol treatment or help with a mental health issue? Are you experiencing anxiety, depression, or PTSD? If like tens of millions of Americans, you are struggling with mental health or addiction issues, you may not know where to turn. You may also be worried about the safety of coming in for treatment during the pandemic.

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The Benefits of Telehealth

November 14, 2020

With drug use at epidemic levels throughout the country, treatment programs are overwhelmed with people in need of help. Telehealth platforms provide programs like GIA Miami a new way to communicate with patients to provide support and therapy. These types of remote approaches are becoming more common in the healthcare industry in general, particularly in the age of COVID-19.

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It's Time to Make a Change

We Can Help You on Your Path to Mental Wellness

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